CAP Money is a basic budgeting course that teaches financial skills that have a lasting impact.
With it's focus on practical tools and coaching, it's a great way to start conversations and connect with people in your community.
CAP Money is focused on relationships, that's why we always partner with the local church.
"It's totally worth it." - Jane
How does CAP Money work?
It's a simple budgeting course you offer in your church
CAP provides all the resources and trains volunteers from your church to facilitate the course.
The course usually consists of three in-person weekly sesssions, e.g. Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30pm.
With it's versatile format it can be used in various settings: groups, one-on-one, in a coffee shop, by a benevolence team, or even part of marriage prep - there are limitless possibilities! You decide the best for your context.
Run the course as many times in a year as you like.
We visit your church to launch our partnership and invite monthly supporters to join us as Life Changers (supporting the free Debt Relief work we do that's so critical for people in financial distress).
How is CAP Money different from other budgeting courses?
CAP can meet the needs of everyone, especially those living on limited incomes by being relevant, short, and free.
Other financial/budgeting courses have longer sessions and an approach that an be hard to access for more vulnerable individuals.
How much does CAP Money Partnership cost?
Each level of partnership has unique benefits. Send us a message to learn more.
CAP Money Basic $30/month
CAP Money Plus $100/month

What does the Money Course cover?
How to build and balance a budget.
The CAP Money online tool that does all of the hard work of budgeting calculations.
Participants Guides cover all of the material in the course.
The CAP Money system (organizing money using cash principles - because we know digital is here to stay)
A simple way to set up finances with confidence that bills will be covered, debt can be paid, giving can be a joy, and saving for the future is possible.
Understand exactly how much is being spent and what it's being spent on.
How is CAP Money a missional opportunity?
Everyone could use tools for managing their money. Many have never learned how to put together a simple budget, make it balance, or put away savings for a rainy day.
CAP Money is a missional opportunity for your church to provide these simple, practical tools for free to not only your church family, but your wider community. Not only is it a practical tool, but a chance to build relationships that lead to faith conversations and evangelism opportunities.
Thousands of Canadians have done the CAP Money Course, and we know it works. Run the course with confidence that you're providing a much-needed tool that will change lives.
"It was the best thing I'd ever done...
I'm not afraid anymore." - Ruby
What does CAP Money Training involve?​
CAP Money training is what gives your volunteers who will be leading the course the tools and equipping to become CAP Money Coaches. They can lead the course with confidence and know that we're here to help along the way.
The 2.5 hour training session can be in person or online. We'll work out with you the best options for training your CAP Money Coaches.
Your coaches will get access to capmoney.org and will be able to schedule dates for Money Courses at your church, add attendees, and access all of the curriculum and resources and promo materials needed.
Coaches Guides cover all of the material in the training.
Who makes a good CAP Money Coach?
People who are warm, engaging and encouraging.
Financial background or skills aren't required (since we provide the training needed), but it's always a plus.
People passionate about teaching others.
Ready to run CAP Money at your church?​