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Partnership Registration

We are thrilled to welcome you as a CAP Money Church Partner!

Becoming a CAP Money Partner means you’re joining a network of churches across Canada who are engaging in conversations and training around financial literacy by facilitating the CAP Money Course for their congregation and community.

This page is for Team Leads registering your CAP Money Partnership Plan with a Credit Card payment. If you would prefer an alternative payment method (cheque, EFT, or automatic withdrawal), please go here.


Give us a call at 289-684-9191 or email us if you have any questions.

Image by Kelly Sikkema

Read these BEFORE you complete the form below:

We will include copies of these in your confirmation email.

To set you up in the best way possible for running the CAP Money Course, we want to help you launch the ministry with a CAP Money Launch Talk.  This talk is usually best on a Sunday morning and looks like a 20-30 minute inspirational and motivational talk designed to introduce and launch the CAP Money Course your church will be running to your whole congregation. We’ll provide a guest speaker: Will MacLaughlin, CEO, or one of our champions who is steeped in what CAP is all about. The CAP Money Launch Talk is also an opportunity to invite your congregation to become Life Changers (monthly supporters) so we can continue to grow our services to help even more people who need financial help.  We’ll set up a table with information about giving where people will be able to sign up online or take information home to process. We recommend that you book the CAP Money Launch Talk for a month before you plan to run the course for the first time. The form will ask you to enter the anticipated start date of your first Money Course. Once we have that we'll l reach out with some date options to secure a Launch Talk.

CAP Money Launch Talk

This document highlights the ways in which CAP will support your church and your Money Coaches so you can effectively help people with their finances. It is also designed to ensure that all CAP Money Church Partners and Coaches represent their local church and the ministry of CAP well. As Christians Against Poverty, we agree to: Introduce you to CAP works and your role in our mission. Provide you with the required training, courseware, and marketing materials to deliver the course. Respect your skills, dignity and individual needs and trust and empower you to deliver the course. Keep you informed of course updates and additional training opportunities. As a Partner Church, you and your Money Coaches agree to: Understand that at all times whilst representing your local church and Christians Against Poverty, you should act with respect and perform your role to the best of your ability. CAP’s Statement of Faith and core values. Have any information entered through your CAP Money online account being stored on CAP UK servers. Ensure the CAP Money Course is only delivered by trained CAP Money Coaches. Maintain the confidential information of CAP, its clients and CAP Money course participants. As a CAP Money Coach you may have access to confidential information regarding CAP Money Participants on your course, and you should keep all information confidential and not disclose it to anyone, unless when required by law or by a regulatory body (for example, if asked for details by a law enforcement agency). This applies to all forms of communication, whether verbal, written or any other type of communication. We encourage you not to retain personal information about your course participants, but any personal information you have about CAP Money participants should be handled in line with your legal obligation to protect that information under PIPEDA. Support and promote CAP’s wider debt counselling work where possible. Provide referees/moderators if requested and agree to a police check being carried out if necessary. Inform us if you change churches. If you wish to run CAP Money in your new church, then the church will need to register as a new Partner Church. You will not have to retrain. Commit to report progress and good news stories back to the CAP Team. Use all CAP Money material including the DVDs, videos, participant workbooks, Money Coach guides and the logo for the sole purposes of fulfilling the partnership between your church and Christians Against Poverty. Do not duplicate, distribute or use any CAP Money materials in a way other than that expressed in the Partnership Agreement without the written consent of Christians Against Poverty. CAP Money material is copyrighted and should not be altered in any way. This is to ensure the high standard of advice and guidance regarding people’s finances is maintained and is reflected in the quality of material. If you need something, please reach out to us!

CAP Money Agreement

Statement of Faith

At CAP, our faith in God and our understanding of how we are called to live shapes CAP’s character, culture and purpose. This is outworked through our mission to serve the poor through compassionate service and the active pursuit of justice and peace and to save the lost by clearly proclaiming the good news that God loves people and wants a saving relationship with them. Our Christian faith is based on essential tenets of the Christian faith: The Triune God. We believe that there is one living God, revealed through the Bible as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The universe is the creation of the one living God and reveals God’s existence, power and goodness. Human Beings. Every human being, male and female, is an image bearer of the creator – created in order to love, worship and obey God, to relate to one another in love and compassion to seek justice and to care for creation. Being made in the image of God, every individual is unique, sacred, dignified and equal. God loves and cares for everyone as shown by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the grace this sacrifice makes possible. All humans have sinned (acted contrary to God’s nature and purpose) by rejecting God’s authority and disobeying God’s commands. We are therefore alienated from God, one another and creation. This unchecked rebellion leads to eternal separation from God. Jesus the Christ. Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God, the Messiah uniquely appointed by God to bring salvation to the world. Jesus Christ, being in very nature God, came to earth and becoming truly man, taught and modelled for us the new life of the Kingdom of God. In his death on the cross he took upon himself the sin of the world, bearing its full cost and penalty so that we can be put right with God through his grace, by faith in Christ alone. On the cross Christ also entered into our suffering, defeated the powers of evil and accomplished the reconciliation of all creation. In his bodily resurrection he defeated death for us all and gave us the way to eternal life. Through his ascension he is exalted as reigning Lord, and at his return he will fully establish the universal reign of God’s Kingdom. Holy Spirit. The Bible testifies to the Holy Spirit’s activity both in creation and history as well as in our lives - empowering us to love generously, experience freedom, to fight for justice and to proclaim the gospel. The Holy Spirit convicts of sin, leading to faith and repentance and unites believers to Christ. Through Christ, God’s Spirit is poured out on all believers. The Spirit gives gifts along with the power to proclaim and demonstrate the gospel, discern truth, pray effectively and advance the Kingdom of God. The Bible. The Bible tells the universal story of creation, the fall, God’s redemption of humanity and ultimately the hope of a new creation, begun through the person and work of Jesus Christ. We believe the Bible is the word of God spoken through human authors and that it is trustworthy in all it affirms. We view it as the ultimate revelation of God’s identity, character, purposes and actions and submit to it as supremely and uniquely authoritative for our belief and behaviour. The Church. The Church is the worldwide community of believers who have been called by God to represent his character of holiness and compassion, to bring justice on earth and to fulfil his mission of proclaiming the new life made possible through the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We exist to worship and to love him with all our heart, mind, soul and strength and to love our neighbours as ourselves. Therefore, as Christians Against Poverty, we commit ourselves to: • Live humbly, lovingly and sacrificially. • Make known God’s grace through Christ, calling people to faith, repentance and discipleship. • Demonstrate the values and the power of the Kingdom of God. • Serve those struggling with poverty, vulnerability and marginalisation with compassion and love. • Recognise our Christian duty of mutual encouragement to all who serve Christ including those from other churches, organisations and denominations, respecting the diversity of culture, experience, and understanding of others.

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