Right now in Canada...
of families are worried about having enough money for food.*
3+ million
adults are anxious and stressed about money.*
1 in 3
adults feel in bad or terrible finanical shape.*

Changing lives.

"I was feeling utterly crushed beneath the weight of life challenges and debt, I even wondered if it was worth continuing or if I was just a burden to my family. But then I found CAP. With their help of budgeting, financial literacy and them providing me with a detailed financial plan for me to follow, I felt hope again. Hope that I could be debt free and once again live my life."
Kevin, Debt Free Client
Since 2013 Christians Against Poverty has
had conversations around
$16 million+
of debt.
CAP Money Course participants.
partnered with

We equip and empower the local church so that they can actively serve and can be a beating heart in their community.
Through partnership with the church CAP provides tools, training and resources so that they can help people in their community become debt free and free from poverty and can become all that God has called them to be.